CTATCA Eski Başkanı&Havacılık Tarihi Yazarı - İzzet DERKAN

CTATCA Eski Başkanı&Havacılık Tarihi Yazarı - İzzet DERKAN

Havacılık Gündem Özel


10 Mayıs 2020 - 19:42

The pandemic of Covid-19  was first seen in Wuhan, China on December 1, 2019.  As it is known, global epidemic Covid-19 affected the world on the negative way. Due to this pandemic approximately 281,921 people had died and 1,462,576 people has recovered around the world (Numbers change every minute). Coronavirus cases in the world are around 4,145,620 people. All sectors suffered greatly from this pandemic. United States claims that there are 33.3 millon jobless due to pandemic.

All airline companies in the world are going through a historical crisis due to travel restrictions. If there is no air transportation, there is no tourism nor economy. According to the IATA (International Air Trasport Association) statements, in air transportation expected damage will be 314 billion dollar in 2020. This loss will negatively affect all airlines.  Due this reason,  perhaps many airline companies will bunkrapt and many employees will be unemployed. IATA called on governments to support airline companies.

In France

Air France has 225 aircraft in its fleet. French government says that they will support 7 billion euros to this airline company. Air France company will take a deep breath with this contribution. However, European Union said that the passengers who cancel their flights due to the pandemic airline companies should refund their money within 7 days and they will be a follower of it. According to the European rules, the passengers who canceled the flight due to the pandemic must be paid within 7 days. EU had stated that some airlines did not do this but they were aware of this and this situation would be followed. In addition, the Dutch government announced that due to pandemic, they will support the amount of € 4 billion to Air France and KLM Airlines.

In Germany
Deutsche Lufthansa AG is the carrier of Germany, it is the second  largest in the Europe and the 9th largest in the world. Company  fleet  size  is 345 planes. Lufthansa CEO’s  Carsten Spohr  pointed out that  the flight plan was turned  65 years ago in 65 days, 700 planes were lying on the ground, and hourly loss is about 1 million Euros. While seeking a way to help airlines, Chinese  companies  aspire to Lufthansa, Germany’s  largest  airline company.  Germany Economy Minister  Peter Almeiter  said ‘’ Lufthansa is our treasure. We will definitely  prevent  it  from  being  sold  and other  companies too’’.

In England

UK (United Kingdom)  is the country with the most adverse effects both in Europe and in the world due to the pandemic. Britain, due to Covid-19 pandemic is now the second in the world and the first in Europe for loss of life. In UK, 31,241 people lost their lives due to pandemic. UK's economy is getting worse from day to day due to loss of lifes. Britain has also affected very badly in air transportation. Easy jet Airlines receives € 686 million in recovery from the UK government due to pandemic. With this support, Easy jet has managed to pay their passengers tickets who have canceled. The situation is very different in British Airways. Fleet sizes of British Airways are 227 aircraft. British Airways is one of the largest airlines and also the flag carrier in England. Within this airline they employ 42,000 employees and 4,500 pilots. Due to pandemic this company made adjustments to lay off 12,000 jobs.

Virgin Atlantic has 30 destinations and has about 8,571 employees. This company were laid off 3000 jobs and stopped its flights from Gatwick Airport due to pandemic.
In Ireland
Ryan air is one of the safety airlines and Ryan air fleet size is about 282 aircraft. Du to Covid-19 pandemic, Ryan air warned passengers about the refunds which will take up to six month as it axes jobs.
In Australia
Austraila’s flag carrier, Qantas Airlines has 30,179 employees. Due to global pandemic Qantas lay off 20,000 jobs.
In Canada
Canada's flag carrier, Air Canada has 30,000 employees and around 184 aircraft. Air Canada were laid off 15,200 jobs due to global pandemic.

In Norway 
Norway’s flag carrier, Norwegian Airlines announced that by mid-May net cash will be ended.

In America
Americas flag carrier, American Airlines has 128,000 employees and around 900 aircraft. Company temporarily stopped 4800 pilots with less salary by agreement and retired 700 pilots early.

In Travel
Due do Covid-19 pandemic some airlines have suggested leaving the ‘‘middle’’ seat empty. As an example; B734 has 168 seats. If we leave the middle seat out, total seats will be 112. This means that plane will be flying with 65% capacity and this will necessity the ticket prices to increase.

The other option is ‘’Glassafe’’ transparent glass between the seats is thought to be safe for the pandemic. However, this can be a very costly application but it is known that it will not be enough to use just a mask in air transportation. In addition to this application, it is another option to reverse the ‘‘middle’’ seat with transparent glasses.


IATA says fares of tickets could rise as much as 54%.
As a conclusion, with this article it is clear to say that the air transportation is having a hard time. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic many airline companies will go bankrupt; others will lay off their employees rather than its whole operations. By the this crisis, many giant and powerfull companies will have oppourtunity to buy small and less powerful companies which are not supported by the governments. If IATA announcements are ignored and governments do not support these airline companies, we will see very few airlines flying in the sky and many unemployed people in the sector.
I wish you safe and healthy flights...

Sincerely Yours,
Atco Supervisor

Sourses: Air France, Air Canada, BBC world News, British Airways, DailyMail,,,


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